ZAI Newsletter December 2023

 Publisher: The Zambales Association, Inc.

Google search "Dawasan Blogger” for easy access.

 The Dark Side of Winter  

As winter sets in, the days become shorter, darker, and colder, and the metropolitan area of Hampton Roads is no exception. Even though there is much to look forward to during the winter, it may not be the most wonderful time of the year for everyone. 

Many people have experienced the “winter blues” in some form. 
Maybe it has something to do with family relationships. Perhaps financial situations for others. It may be something hidden beneath the surface of normal human activity. It's like the sun wanting to shine, but the clouds of smiles and laughter obscure the obvious. Even if things are going well, there's a possibility that emotional stress will show up. Afterward, we express things that are most regrettable later.

(Definition: Mental illnesses are health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior (or a combination). Mental illnesses can be associated with distress or problems functioning in social, work, or family activities. Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.) Source: Webster's Dictionary

If everything is going wonderfully well in your life, you're likely less susceptible to the darkness of winter. But there are others out there who are less fortunate. 

Perhaps the man sitting on the sidewalk is not a con artist after all, but rather a lost soul whose mental instability has led him to wander in quest of memories he can no longer recall.
As Christmas approaches, let us try to give generously to the needy. We do not have to be affluent to assist others; sometimes being nice, kind, and compassionate goes a long way. A very Merry Christmas, everyone!



General meeting on 12/10/2023
Operation Smile Room, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m

Tabled Topics:

1. Discuss the Christmas Party on 12/17/2023 from 12 noon until 4 p.m.
Glenwood Community Center, 2097 Round Hill Drive, VA Beach
As always, you can bring your favorite dish to share. 
Uray Apo ta Christmas la ngarud. Ha-ha!

2. Decide the date of the 2024 Summer Picnic

3. Discuss the results of our fundraising Casino trip last Sept. 16, 2023.

Ay, Gayyem! If you have news or a story to share, attach it to an
Email and send it to
Keep your fellow members informed! Salamat PO.

Trivia: Many are asking what is the Tagalog for the Ilocano word, "Dawasan"?
In Tagalog: it means, "Puntahan". In English: go to, like a meeting place.
In Taglish: Tambayan area. If you have a better meaning that makes sense, please share it with us. Thank you.


Loneliness in Retirement

The best way to combat loneliness in retirement is to address its potential before you retire. When you plan for retirement, consider the social and emotional aspects. Recognize that loneliness can occur. Come up with a plan to lessen it. This requires an in-depth understanding of oneself and the things necessary reframing one's life direction.

If you're feeling particularly lonely during your retirement, connecting with a healthcare provider immediately is important. The primary care physician is a suitable starting point, as they possess the expertise and experience to address this particular issue effectively.

Engaging in activities with loved ones can help you feel joyful and content. And being in groups, like the ZAI is a good beginning. The Zambales Association has family picnics, social dances, group outing trips, and just group activities in member's homes. These activities will allow members to engage and reconnect. Talking about past experiences, like people you knew in your hometown, or future holiday activities can ignite interest and produce smiles. 

The issue of retirement loneliness is seen everywhere, especially in Seniors who are susceptible to emotional issues. If you can help your relatives and friends, a shoutout is a good step. Take care of each other and be kind to one another. 


 Medicare Simplified

Before we get started, enrollment season ends Dec. 07, 2023. Now, let us learn the difference between an HMO and a PPO. 

What is an HMO? 

Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) have a network of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers who provide their services for a specific payment, which allows the HMO to maintain costs for its members. Cost and choice are the 2 features that set HMOS apart from other healthcare plans. A referral is required. 

What is a PPO? 

Preferred provider organizations (PPOs) offer a network of healthcare providers you can use for your medical care at a certain rate. Unlike HMO, a PPO allows you to have freedom. to receive care from any healthcare provider—in or out of your network. 

 The Four Parts of Medicare for 2024 

Source: Medicare & you - 2024 

1. Medicare Part A is your hospital insurance. It covers the cost of blood, skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, and in-patient health care. Moreover, it pays for medical care at home if you meet certain requirements. See Medicare & you - 2024, pages 25 to 29.

2. Medicare Part B (medical insurance). It's a way to pay for something like a doctor's visit. medical equipment, and preventive services like shots and check-ups. See Medicare & you - 2024, pages 29 to 55.

3. Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage plan). This is a plan from a private company that is approved by Medicare and can be used instead of Original Medicare for your health and drug coverage. These bundled plans include Part A, Part B, and usually Part D. 

Certain conditions are associated with this plan.

  • (a). Often, you will only be able to use doctors who are part of the plan network.
  • (b). In numerous instances, you may need to obtain approval from your plan before it covers certain drugs or services. 
  • (c). Plans may cost less or more than Original Medicare. You may also have to pay an extra premium.
  • (d). Plans may offer additional financial rewards that Original Medicare does not cover, such as certain vision, hearing, and dental services. See Medicare & you - 2024, page 10. Go to section 4, starting from page 61, to learn more about Medicare Advantage. 

4. Medicare Part D (Medicare prescription drug coverage).  This coverage may potentially assist in reducing your prescription drug expenses and safeguarding against escalating expenses in the future. Tricare for Life covers Part D. See Medicare & you - 2024, pages 79 to 90. 

Foreign travel is generally not covered by Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage for medical care outside the United States. You can buy a Medigap policy to pay for medical bills when you travel abroad in case of an emergency.

If you are covered by Tricare for Life, you will receive valuable benefits. The program improves your benefits by covering the costs of several treatments that would otherwise require out-of-pocket expenses. This is similar to the supplement plans offered by private insurance companies. The scope of insurance coverage extends beyond that of Medicare and includes medical care provided outside the country. Ref: Guide to TRICARE For Life << Click here to learn more


The Gloomiest Christmas Ever

A concise overview of the Japanese invasion of the Philippines and its effect on Christmas 1941. By Mike Colorado.
The Japanese Empire launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, at 7:48 a.m., sinking ships and destroying airfields in Hawaii. 
The next day, December 8, 1941, U.S. General Richard K. Sutherland, Chief of Staff of General of the Army Douglas MacArthur, received the news in the Philippines while Japanese planes bombed Davao Harbor and Airfield at around 9:30 a.m., prompting an immediate heightened alert by the US and the Philippine Armed Forces.  Cont'd next page


Jokes (Gargarekgek Laeng Apo)

Nakapsut kano!

Batangueno: Ala eh, Tatay ko ang galing magkatay. 'ala pang 15 minits kinatay yun Baboy.
Manilenyo:  Aba mahina yan. 15 minits kinatay  ni Itay yun Baka.
Ilocano:      Nakapsut ang Tatay ninyo. Ni Amang ko Tulog siya, pero Agkatkatay kasla Bihon.
Pedro: Pare kelan birthday mo?
Juan: December 04
Pedro: Eh, anong taon?
Juan: Abba - eh di Taon-Taon. Ano Ka?
Baba Sharing Elevator
Visitor: Bababa ba?
Baba: Bababa.
Buti pa ang Diyos, Sampu lang ang Utos.
Asawa ko, Unlimited.

   What is cooking?  

Gambas a la plancha, also known as grilled shrimp: In the Mediterranean region, this traditional Spanish dish is widely acknowledged. It is prepared using whole, unpeeled shrimp sprinkled with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and cooked quickly on a pan or flat iron on Olive oil. Lemon or calamansi juice can be used to enhance the flavor of the shrimp, both during and after cooking. This dish is easy to make and tastes really good. A glass of wine will help you burp a little. Enjoy! Haha! 

Looking to purchase some fresh shrimp this winter? Go to Rudee Inlet, at 308 Mediterranean Avenue, Virginia Beach. Bob and Dave Seafood, between Rudee and Rockefeller Seafood Restaurants. The prices are $6 for large, $4 for medium, and $2 for small sizes. The seafood is sourced directly from boats and usually arrives at 4 PM. Call 757-377-2731 to confirm whether the boats went out on that particular day. 


We apologize for any unintended errors in our writing. English is not our native language, and we are not grammar experts. We are using Ilo-Tag-Lish, a combination of three languages commonly spoken in the Philippines today. Our goal is to provide the best possible content, and we appreciate your understanding if we make any mistakes.
Your support has motivated us to persist despite our limited resources. We greatly appreciate your patience and help in growing our newsletter. — Mike Colorado |  


Thank you for spending time with us. Until the next issue – God bless.


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