June 2023 ZAI Newsletter

 Publisher: The Zambales Association, Inc.

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Party Time: A Pandemic Aftermath

The Zambales Association, Inc. celebrated (click link) Mother's Day with the induction of officers at the Chesapeake Conference Center on May 13, 2023. A sellout crowd of members and friends participated in the glorious event. 

The Masters of ceremonies were husband and wife, Pepe and Anne Cabacoy. At about 7:30 in the evening, the program began with the usual “Are you ready to party?” greetings. 

The blessings and before-dinner prayers by Mineheart Najera followed. His lead blessing of the food was rewarded soon. The serving staff came out with the dessert of cheesecake and carrot cake first instead of the routinely served salad and dressings. A miscue, we thought. 

There was a long wait, followed by more iced tea and water drinking. 

A table was set up for coffee, individually served in regular and decaffeinated. Instead of the coffee creamer, the ingredients of regular sugar, Splenda, and milk were next to the coffee pots, the steering sticks, and the cups. Attendees favored serving themselves hot coffee while waiting for dinner to be done.

While the food service was a little slow, more conversations about the weather lingered around the guests' tables as we observed through the glass walls of the building the drizzles of fine mist and evening showers. It is, after all, a typical occurrence in May in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The sad surprise was the pandemic's toll from mid-2019 to the present. A lot of our friends are no longer with us. Our appearance, too, has changed greatly. We grew up during the pandemic period in many ways, and we will be able to adjust to the changes soon.

Patience always pays. Some faces showed relief as small salad plates containing assorted greens were being served. Not long after, a dinner of London Broil and Salmon was served with side dishes of mashed potatoes, green beans, and broccoli. Some people complained that the meat got stuck between their teeth because it was tough. Our elderly guests with false teeth were particularly affected. (Sorry, folks!)  The broiled Salmon was a welcome treat, however.


The ZAI Family Picnic is on July 30, 2023, at

Woodstock Park, Providence Rd, Virginia Beach, Virginia.


After dinner, the evening guests must recognize the popularity of line dancing. But soon, they can only do cha-cha and mambo so much before a breather is necessary. Then, the old fashionistas have to take over the dance floor. (Click this link to see the best line dancing video.)

Meanwhile, Linda Lazo was checking her notes as she was about to introduce the guest speaker and inducting officer, doctor Laarni Bibay. She is a board-certified pediatrician with exceptional credentials.

In Bibay's inspirational speech, she stressed the importance of mother-child relationships in the household environment and throughout the children's adult lives whenever possible. Healthy interaction, she says, between parents and children would ultimately lead to a well-rounded adult life. Finally, she wished all the mothers a great day and an excellent start to their week. 

And the induction of the officers followed (nothing exciting)… ending in 'So help me, God.' They agreed with their duties to the Zambales Association, Inc. by repeating the swearing-in statements of doing their jobs to the best of their abilities.

Adding to the Mother's Day festivities was picking the evening's mother. The selection process was relatively straightforward. A ticket stub was selected from a box of guest stubs, and the lucky person was honored. The cheerful mother was Rose McDonald. Her partner, whose name was not mentioned then, helped her celebrate the unexpected glory.

The highlight of the evening was the gifting of bright red and yellow roses to the mothers. It was a thoughtful gesture of respect and appreciation for all the many sacrifices the mothers make in everyday interactions with the family. Thank you, mothers!

Before the evening ended, prizes were raffled. We appreciate all the sponsors and donors who volunteer gift-wrapped door prizes for the enjoyment of many. Again, thank you for your tax-deductible donations. Hehe! 

The Zambales Association Inc. has again achieved another successful event, and it is the talk of the town for that matter. Thank you, everyone, for your participation.


What is New in Virginia in July 2023?

Effective July 1, 2023, House Bill 1442 (2023 Acts of Assembly, Chapter 410) requires Virginia Tax to annually publish the current rate of the local transient occupancy tax of each county, city, and town on its website. 

The “Move Over” law was in place for law enforcement, VDOT workers, or other roadside assistance vehicles. Now it pertains to anyone pulled over on the highway in a stationary vehicle that’s displaying hazard lights, warning signs (like an emergency triangle), or flares, according to AAA. Read More. 

Virginia Military and Veterans Benefits

Virginia offers unique benefits for Service members, Veterans, and their Families, including a property tax exemption for disabled Veterans, education and tuition assistance, employment assistance, vehicle tags, as well as hunting and fishing license privileges. Eligibility for some benefits may depend on residency, military component, and Veteran disability status. 

The Jones & Cabacoy Veterans Care Center (JCVCC) is to open this year 2023. It is a 128-bed facility that will feature all private rooms that surround a central community center. The admission requirements are 1.) Honorable discharge from the U. S. Armed Forces, 2.) Virginia residency at the time of admission or entry into active duty from Virginia, 3.) Meets medical requirements for nursing home care. 

The Center is currently hiring staff to run and manage the facility.

In case you want to drive by, the address is on West Neck Rd, and N. Landing Rd in Virginia Beach and is situated on a 25-acre site adjacent to Nimmo Parkway.  Read more.


Jokes (Gargarekgek laeng apo)


Pedro: Ano ulam nyo?
Juan: Blanched green leafy veggie with crushed sweet tomatoes in sparkling salted seafood.
Pedro: Wow sarap anu yun?
Juan: Talbos ng kamote at bagoong na may pinisan kamatis. Kayo ano ulam nyo?
Pedro: Fish fillet del el ninyo.
Juan: Wow sosyal! Eh anu yun?
Pedro: Tuyo, pare.


Pupil: Ma'am, may I go out?
Teacher: Why?
Pupil: TATA, INA, AKO.


What is Cooking?

Bibingkang malagkit
is a sweet rice cake native to the Philippines. It is a generational delicacy that is served in many Filipino parties. If there is no bibingka, it is not a Filipino party. (Beware: Do not destroy this cultural heritage by adding all sorts of unconventional toppings. Please make it like it is supposed to be made.)


3/4 cups coconut milk, 2 cups (0.47 l) glutinous rice, washed, 1 1/2 cups brown sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1/4 tbs powdered anis, Banana Leaves 

  1. Combine glutinous rice, 3/4 cup of coconut milk, and 1 tbs salt in a pot. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low.
  2. Simmer gently while occasionally mixing to cook them evenly and not burn the bottom, let the mixture thicken until it’s nearly dried out.
  3. Add sugar and salt, then mix continuously on medium-low heat until it gets really sticky. 
  4. Line a 9×13 baking tray with banana leaf, then transfer the cooked glutinous rice. No banana leaves? Fine. Just spray it with cooking oil or butter.
  5. Bring your topping to a boil, pour it on the rice cake on the baking pan, and bake in a 350 F preheated oven for approx. 10 to 20 minutes until thick and dark (not burnt).
  6. Remove from the oven and set it aside to cool down.
  7. Serve best when warm. Hmm… I'm hungry already.
Source: Recipes of the Philippines. Compiled and edited by Enriqueta David-Perez.

A Cultural History: The Legend of Pinatubo 

This June 15, 2023, is the 25th anniversary of the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo volcano. 
According to the Weather Bureau, it chilled planet Earth for approximately two years immediately afterward.

Read more – A short story by Mike Colorado

A Soldier Died Today – A Poem submitted by Rogelio Velbis

Thank you for spending time with us. Until the next issue … God bless.

 In Memoriam | Obituary  ZAI Officers  

Can you believe that it is already 2023? This year marks the fifth anniversary of the ZAI Newsletter, which is published by the Dawasan Blogger. Despite the ongoing pandemic, we managed to keep our operations running during its initial phase and things are starting to look up now. Although there are still some uncertainties, at least we have the option of not wearing masks anymore. So it is essential to stay vigilant and grateful for every moment. As the saying goes, hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

We apologize for any unintentional errors in our writing. English is not our native language, and we are not experts in grammar, so there is always room for improvement. We aim to deliver the best possible content, and we hope that you understand if we make any mistakes.

Your support has been invaluable in encouraging us to continue despite our limited resources. We appreciate your patience and assistance in growing our newsletter. — Mike Colorado



Great job! Thanks for the June 2023 issue.

Happy Memorial Day to ZAI staff and members.
Special mention to their Veterans and their families for their sacrifices
and hardships for the sake of peace and freedom. To all veterans-CHEERS!

katypalihan <kpalihan@yahoo.com>

Sent from my iPad


J2 said…
Manong Mike, thank you so much for all the support and great work you've done for ZAI....R/ Joe

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